sexta-feira, julho 7

Innocence is Lost.

"Given the current social structures in American schools, serious violence and terrorism by youths is inevitable. Even if a student who is constantly degraded doesn't commit a serious crime at school, the chances for him or her becoming a violent offender later in life are increased. I use myself as an example. I am already active in the right-wing, and its only a matter of time before I will be willing to follow the example set by Tim McVeigh*. I plan to join the military to get the skills I need to take out my rage on others. I am probably a potential serial killer as well. I enjoy reading and listening to things that talk about the destruction of the standing social order. Sometimes when I am angry or lonely, I look at pornography and fantasize about raping the popular girls at my school. Other times I think about building bombs and lighting shit on fire. But soon, fantasies about rape and murder of teenage girls will no longer be sufficient. My interest in arson and explosives would also be troubling to anyone who knew of my inner thoughts. Currently, I am planning to torch an abandoned barn and then listen to the fire department on my scanner just to see what it would be like."

White, 18-year-old boy in New York

*Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, the men responsible for one of the most shocking terrorist attacks within America - the Oklahoma City bombing.
(in )

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