sábado, janeiro 27


Krystal, a professor at Yale University, is talking about the time he gave seven severely depressed patients ketamine, a mind-blowing drug developed as an anaesthetic but better known as a club drug. It was a long shot, but the results were astonishing. Though most of the patients found the ketamine experience itself unpleasant, once it wore off they had a far better feeling: the disabling and suicidal depression they had lived with for years had vanished. Best known as a club drug, ketamine seems somehow able to jolt people out of severe depression. "For many, it was a huge, obvious effect," says psychiatrist John Krystal. "One of the patients said, 'Don't give me those old medications, I want this again'."

@ NewScientist.com

3 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Special K for the masses!


Anónimo disse...

as desculpas que se arranjam para se tomar drogas.... LOL

Isso mais pareceu uma receita de como se passar de Emo para queimado das raves..... LOL

:P *

Joao666 disse...

