terça-feira, janeiro 16


New technologies have revealed a whole raft of hitherto unsuspected personality problems: think crackberry, powerpointlessness or cheesepodding. Most of us are familiar with sending an email to a colleague sitting a couple of feet away instead of talking to them. Some go onto the web to snoop on old friends, colleagues or even first dates. More of us than ever reveal highly personal information on blogs or MySpace entries. A few will even use internet anonymity to fool others into believing they are someone else altogether. So are these web syndromes and technological tics new versions of old afflictions, or are we developing fresh mind bugs?

@ newscientisttech.com

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

Eu sempre disse que a Internet apenas nos amplifica a forma de estar/ser...

Por isso não fazemos nada na Internet que não faríamos no mundo dito "real"! Simplesmente fazê-mo-lo em muito maior escala :P